Self Identifying as a Robot

Ten years ago, I would have thought this was some type of joke/prank. Today? It’s probably serious. And according to trans activist logic, we must all agree she is not human.

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3 Responses to Self Identifying as a Robot

  1. bhankel says:

    Just to be perfectly clear, I do NOT advocate violence, but I’m pretty sure one jab with a sharp object in her skin will very quickly remind her how to “act human”.

    (I’m really trying hard not to lose hope in the future, and I realize the future is firmly secure in the Lord, but this seemingly constant flow of nonsense is getting hard to endure … guess I just have to laugh it off sometimes.)

  2. America doomed itself by becoming too prosperous and too safe. Life is simply far too easy for a lot of young people, leaving them free to indulge in fantasies instead of having to struggle to keep the lights on and food on the table.

    A second civil war, if not worse, is almost certainly coming, and it’s probably for the best.

  3. Ilíon says:

    For someone who doesn’t “know how to act human”, she sure understands how to play the “I Deserve Special Rights Over-and-against Other Because I’m a Perpetual Victim” human power-game.

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