Muslims Explain Why Women Need to be Covered

More evidence of the manmade essence of Islam:

In fact, a couple of weeks ago, I was told the same thing:

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4 Responses to Muslims Explain Why Women Need to be Covered

  1. Ilíon says:

    What’s mordantly humorous about this is that feminists and other leftists falsely accuse white men, especially white Christian men, of having just this mindset … but remain utterly silent in the face of non-white, non-Christians who actually do think this way.

  2. Feminists are a lot like foolish teenage girls who scream “I HATE YOU” at their father when he doesn’t give them everything they want, and then run off to the local drug dealer, because he *always* lets them do whatever they want…..

  3. Ilíon says:

    Well, feminism *always way* a psy-op against women and against normal men. The *point* of feminism is to convince women to voluntarily make themselves prey to sexually perverted (and generally powerful) men, while simultaneously viewing the men who actually have their best interest at heart — fathers, brothers, husbands, sons — as their enemies and “oppressors”.

    This is the same play-book that the alphabet “Qs” (Jeffery Marsh is a good example) are using against confused and vulnerable children.

  4. Ah yes. When women say “back off please, we don’t need you to protect us” and the decent men back off, but the predators stay exactly where they are. Then the predators claim the decent men are persecuting them and worm their way into the women’s space.

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