Are “Gender Affirming” Procedures Doing Harm?

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9 Responses to Are “Gender Affirming” Procedures Doing Harm?

  1. Some day we are going to look back on this time and these practices the same way we view lobotomy, and those practising it in the same way we see people like Josef Mengele.

  2. Dhay says:

    This is probably a good thread to mention Mia Hughes’ The WPATH Files article, the introduction to which serves as a good summary of the article, which in turn serves as a summary of the The WPATH Files Report:

    Pseudoscientific Surgical and Hormonal Experiments on Children, Adolescents and Vulnerable Adults

    Leaked files from WPATH reveal widespread medical malpractice on children and vulnerable adults at global transgender healthcare authority

    World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) members demonstrate a lack of consideration for long-term patient outcomes despite being aware of the debilitating and potentially fatal side effects of cross-sex hormones and other treatments

    Newly leaked files from within the leading global transgender healthcare body have revealed that the clinicians who shape how “gender medicine” is regulated and practiced around the world consistently violate medical ethics and informed consent. The files, which were leaked from within the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), were published today by the US-based think tank Environmental Progress. [Continues…]

    Those with more interest and stamina might wish to read the full 241 page Report, which is linked from the article or more directly found at:


    I agree with N2C, above.

  3. Ilíon says:

    Some day we are going to look back on this time and these practices …

    The arrival of that day requires, at a minimum, that sane people *refuse* to cooperate with their false language. Non-exhaustively, and in no particular order:

    1. NEVER use ‘gender’ to refer to ‘sex’; people do not come in ‘genders’, we come in sexes, and there are precisely two sexes;
    2. Refuse to use their made-up pseudo-pronouns;
    3. Refuse to use “she/her” to refer to a male, nor “he/him” to refer to a female;
    4. Refuse to use the made-up words “transman” and “transwoman” and “transkids” and the demeaning and dehumanizing prefix “cis-“;
    5. Train yourself to stop saying “they” when you are referring to one person;
    6. Train yourself to stop saying “biological male” and “biological female” — there are no other kinds.
  4. TFBW says:

    In addition to Ilíon’s comments, I would say that if the language games are having their intended effect of confusing you, then bear in mind that the word “trans” is being used as a synonym for “fake”, “counterfeit”, “not-a”, or “grotesque-parody-of-a”. A “trans-woman” is thus a “fake-woman”, which makes it much more clear that the subject of the description is not a woman. Where they say “cis”, they mean the opposite of that; i.e. “genuine”, “real”, “actual”. Prefer the fake/real terms: they clarify where trans/cis obfuscate. Understand that obfuscation and confusion is, in fact, the purpose of the exercise: it’s verbal jujitsu.

  5. Ilíon says:

    The “cis-” prefix is especially grotesque, as its purpose is to trick you into mentally (and metaphysically) re-defining the true and normal in terms of the false and abnormal.

  6. Ilíon says:

    Train yourself to stop saying “biological male” and “biological female” — there are no other kinds.

    So, using that qualifier is already to bow to the leftists’ false language.  In a situation in which you want to make it undeniable that your are distinguishing *real* men and women from the fake, use words like “real”, “actual” and “fake”, “pretend”.

  7. Dhay says:

    “NHS England to stop prescribing puberty blockers

    Children will no longer routinely be prescribed puberty blockers at gender identity clinics, NHS England has confirmed.

    The decision comes after a review found there was “not enough evidence” they are safe or effective. Puberty blockers, which pause the physical changes of puberty, will now only be available as part of research.”

  8. Ilíon says:

    Considering that the local and national governments of the UK seem generally to be even more insane than that of California, this a shocking development.

  9. Nuke says:

    For a country as utterly lost as the UK to make this move, I imagine the data must be horrifyingly damning.

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