Protesters Love Hamas

The same group that hates Israel, hates America, loves Hamas. The moral depravity of the woke on display, all disguised as self-righteous stands on principle.


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6 Responses to Protesters Love Hamas

  1. bhankel says:

    I have too much emotional anger at this nonsense to offer a dignified comment right now, so I’ll just say “Screw those Nazis!”

  2. Ilíon says:

    Some might be tempted to say, “I did nazi that coming.” But I did, for I have long understood that leftists hate the Jews at least as as much as they hate the Christians.

  3. Islamic terrorists who kill people to make a political statement are universally regarded as bad guys…..until they attack Israel.

    Don’t these leftists cretins realise that they’d almost certainly be killed if they set one foot in Gaza?

  4. TFBW says:

    When you’ve swallowed the “victim/oppressor” narrative of neo-Marxist identity politics, then Hamas get to be the victims because they are the less powerful force, and that makes them the good guys no matter what they do. I have no questions for these useful idiot protesters; my only real question is whether any of the professors who’ve been pushing this toxic mental sludge of an ideology and who also happen to be Jewish are having any pause to reflect on the consequences of their actions. I suspect not; rather, I suspect that they thought they’d get to play the victim card themselves in perpetuity. I don’t suppose we’ll see any clips of that question being addressed to the relevant parties.

    @nihilist2christian: “Islamic terrorists who kill people to make a political statement are universally regarded as bad guys…..until they attack Israel.” Kinda sorta but not really. The usual pattern is that an Islamist kills people while shouting Islamic slogans, and then the authorities and media portray him as an isolated individual with mental problems and certainly not representative of his religion or race. This is why you have the local people singing “don’t look back in anger” after the Manchester Arena bombing as though it were some kind of natural disaster and not the long-term consequences of immigration policy which treats all religions and races as interchangeable. When they attack Israel, the masks come off and people take sides on the basis of religion and race, but when the victims are generic “white people” it’s just an unfortunate incident and needs a lid put on it in case the knuckle-draggers start having dangerously nativist thoughts.

    “Don’t these leftists cretins realise that they’d almost certainly be killed if they set one foot in Gaza?” Probably not, but I suspect they’d have difficulty finding it even if they wanted to go. Maybe we could organise a nice Mediterranean cruise for them. One way.

  5. Ilíon says:

    Also, keep in mind: the “Islamists” only want to kill these foolish leftists, whereas we conservatives and/or Christians want to convert them.

  6. pennywit says:

    I can’t see how anyone would characterize Hamas as anything but evil after the Oct. 7 attacks. Here is how to think of it: Hamas fighters entered Israel. They had any number of choices. They could have attacked hardened military targets. They could have disrupted commerce or government. They could have seized some military or government asset and refused to leave until all of their demands wer emet. 

    Hell, they could have widened the openings in the fence and led a gaggle of Palestinians in a giant political protest through the streets of Tel Aviv. 

    The specific hypothetical action is not my point. My point is that once they were in Israel, Hamas could have chosen to do any number of things that would have simultaneously achieved a political objective (in a highly visible and dramatic way) and minimized civilian casualties. 

    Instead, Hamas targeted soft civilian targets, kidnapped civilians, and took them back to Gaza. 

    Pretty evil in my book. 

    Is Israel susceptible to criticism? Absolutely. But there is a stark difference between criticizing Israel and endorsing Hamas. And somone who endorses Hamas is, at best, deeply naive.

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