Another Atheist Activist Advocates for Violence

To further illustrate the intellectual weakness of the social justice atheism, yet another such activist, PZ Myers, has come out in support of “punching nazis”:

I approve of Nazi-punching. I know, it’s violent action, but when you’re dealing with people advocating for genocide, a little ramping up of the response is appropriate and necessary…..Punching Nazis is an unpleasant, necessary action, not something to celebrate and bond over. Let’s take this seriously: we have a genuine problem with a subset of the citizenry advocating for racism and normalizing deportation and mass murder, and we have to take a range of actions, most of them political and social, against them…and sometimes that may involve physically subduing them.

I’m not surprised that Prof. Myers would advocate violence. After all, in the past he has “joked” about kicking his creationist students in the balls and punching Catholics in the face.  Given that social justice atheism is rooted in the Id, aggression and violence are natural expressions of such toxic ideology.  Yet the fact remains that no social justice atheist has been able to rebut the inherent problems in the “punch a nazi” ideology.  I outlined these fatal flaws the last time I commented on the same posturing of another atheist activist, Dan Arel.  Like I said, no rebuttals.




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5 Responses to Another Atheist Activist Advocates for Violence

  1. Kevin says:

    Racism and normalizing deportation, he says, are defining traits of a Nazi. Problem is, the left views EVERYTHING as racism.

    Teaching proper grammar? Racist.
    Math? Racist.
    Electoral College? Racist.
    Standing for the national anthem? Racist.
    Cooking a Mexican dish? Racist.
    Advocating a colorblind society? Racist.
    Asking where someone is from? Racist.
    Giving jobs to the most qualified? Racist.
    Being white? Racist.

    So obviously, the left is utterly incapable of identifying actual racism. Now couple that with the second trait – deportation of illegal aliens is a standard practice of any sovereign nation, as each country has the right to control its immigration and no one has a right to live wherever they want outside of their native country. It is also a standard conservative position to deport illegal aliens who broke the law to come here, which is not an unreasonable position.

    Now we have, by leftist “logic”, major overlap between a Nazi and a conservative. When progressives are calling conservative Jew Ben Shapiro a fascist, you know they have abandoned reason entirely in favor of blind hatred.

    And these blind, irrational, perpetually outraged lunatics want to normalize punching Nazis when they don’t even know what a Nazi is? Perhaps there is a problem here.

  2. tcsgamer says:

    Wonder what he’s think about punching Marxists.

  3. Jeffrey S. says:

    PZ really is intellectually bankrupt.

    “but when you’re dealing with people advocating for genocide…we have a genuine problem with a subset of the citizenry advocating for racism and normalizing deportation and mass murder…”

    I don’t feel like going over to his blog, but I’m 99% confident he provides no evidence whatsoever that there are no more than a few kooks in America (just as it ever was) who are doing what he claims. Who are these people “advocating for genocide…and mass murder”? And as someone already alluded to, what about all the left-wing advocates of the same ideas (e.g. the Drexel professor advocating ‘white genocide’, the Marxists who advocate killing capitalists, etc.)

    And if I think illegal aliens should be deported, that suddenly makes me a bad person who deserves to be punched?

    He’s insane.

  4. nolo says:

    What a farce. Those beta male keyboard warriors aren’t going to punch anyone, and they know it.

  5. Michael says:

    What a farce. Those beta male keyboard warriors aren’t going to punch anyone, and they know it.

    I agree. But the problem is that there are probably a lot of mentally ill people among the extreme social justice activists and the “punch a nazi” rhetoric can push a mentally ill person to commit acts of violence.

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